Blog blog, blogedy blog blog…

It’s been a week since I started to blog and I was right to resist all these years,  what I suspected would happen has happened. The wretched truth is…I like it a little too much.

Don’t let my hours be wasted, PLEASE my potential friend and fellow needy follower, give me some excuse to continue.

7 thoughts on “Blog blog, blogedy blog blog…

    1. Well, going to other peoples blog sites is definitely going to take them to yours, I know I visited. It’s the polite thing to do. I think people who have an interest in the results of social media campaigns would like it. Maybe you voicing your opinion of why the campaigns worked, or didn’t, would prompt discussion…people tend to like to agree or disagree.


  1. Hey looks like you’re new here! Welcome to the blogosphere! Here, everyone is amazing and helpful, believe me. It’s a community where you can be no one but yourself. I myself started just over a month ago, and yes, it’s hard to balance stuff out, but it’s never a burden! It’s always more of a “break” if I dare say.
    All the best. You’re doing great and keep it up!

    I’d love what you think of my blog. I post stories every Tuesday and Friday, and hopefully make it engaging. Constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome.
    (if you happen to read something, feel free to like, comment and follow and also read other posts! [I’m so shamelessly ranting about my blog haha I’m gonna stop now])
    Anyways stay strong and keep writing ❤

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